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What is a milestone?

Milestones, or personal goals, can be used to set a particular target that must be met. Milestones can be defined by students to enhance their skill development.

How to start using milestones

Add a milestone field to the template

To ask the students to define their own milestone(s), a milestone field should be added to a template. Teachers can do so by making a new template and selecting to add a milestone with the click of a button.

With a deadline

The teacher can also add a predefined activity where students are asked to create one or more milestones before a certain deadline. This is done by creating an entry deadline and link a template containing the milestone field.

Student filling in a milestone

When a template used in an entry deadline is configured with a milestone, students are asked to fill them in like in the screenshot below.

Where to find defined milestones

For both teachers and students, milestones are visible. They can be found in the journal entry itself or under the milestone tab, which can be accessed from the journal view. There you can see all milestones, complete and incomplete ones, along with a button to go to the entry where the milestone was created.

Additionally, milestones are also available to teachers on the journal overview of the assignment page, and the course dashboard.

How to give feedback on milestones

You can provide feedback on a milestone in the same way that you would on any other entry. When you receive notification of a milestone entry submission, you can click on it to be directed to the activity that is awaiting your feedback.

How to mark a milestone as complete

Once a personal goal is achieved, the teacher can mark that the milestone as completed by navigating to the milestone tab and clicking on the checkbox next to it.