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Peer feedback activity

Learn more about how a peer feedback activity is structured.

Want to configure a peer feedback activity? Follow this guide.

A peer feedback activity is used to ask students to provide feedback on a certain aspect of one or more portfolios.

Appearance of a peer feedback activity in the timeline

If a peer feedback activity has been configured, it will appear in the timeline as an activity with the icon. Selecting a peer feedback activity highlights what journal content is part of the activity in the timeline.


Each peer feedback activity consists of three parts:

    Instructions     Give(n) feedback     Received feedback


The instructions panel provides general information such as when the activity takes place, what is expected and how the feedback should be structured, possibly with the help of a rubric.

Give feedback

The give feedback panel provides an overview of all peers that are assigned for review. For each assigned peer it is possible to navigate to their portfolio (entering the so called feedback mode), evaluate their work (only that related to the feedback activity), and leave feedback.

From the give feedback panel it also possible to gain a quick overview of all feedback that was left for each assigned peer, without having to navigate to the feedback view of each portfolio.

Give feedback panel example

In the example above we can see that the student has two journals to review, those of Lars and Maarten. We can see that Maarten has yet to receive feedback but Lars has already received the following:

  • One comment on a specific entry, these can be expanded via the icon.
  • A completed rubric, which can be inspected via the icon.
  • Some overall feedback, indicated by the icon.

Both students and teachers can navigate to the assigned journals to provide or view feedback via the button.


Teachers can also access the feedback mode of any assigned peers. This allows a teacher to zoom in on the feedback of a specific peer, including the full context that student had at their disposal.

Received feedback

The received feedback panel provides an overview of all peers that were assigned to review the current journal.

This panel is very similar to the give feedback panel. However, this panel deals with peers that have provided feedback, instead of peers that were assigned to receive feedback.


Unpublished feedback is visible to teachers as well as among members of the same journal, but not to others.

Feedback mode

Clicking a review to give or inspect feedback brings you to the feedback mode. Here you will find some additional information in the Peer feedback menu.

Peer feedback menu

Peer feedback view context panel

The peer feedback menu provides information such as who is the reviewer, as well as who is being reviewed. In the example above Lars van Hijfte is the reviewer and Maarten van Keulen the reviewee.

  • Overall Feedback, give overall feedback to your assigned peer.
  • Publish All Feedback, quickly publish all feedback.
  • Previous / Next , swiftly navigate between all assigned reviewers or reviewees of the feedback activity.
  • Exit Feedback Mode, exit feedback mode and return to your previous location.

In feedback mode it is possible to provide two types of feedback: feedback on specific content or overall feedback.

Content specific feedback

In order to provide feedback to individual entries, navigate to the respective entry via the timeline and submit one or more comments. It is possible to publish the comments immediately or later alongside overall feedback.

Reviewer comments placed in feedback mode will be indicated as such.

Overall feedback

To provide or view overall feedback, press the Overall Feedback button in the Peer feedback menu.

Teachers might ask to make use of a rubric to structure your overall feedback, but it is always possible to leave an overall comment as well.

Regardless of what type of feedback was given, remember to publish all feedback once you are finished. To make this easier the peer feedback menu contains a Publish All Feedback button.


During a feedback activity you might encounter some colorful animal names, such as "Pink Elephant" or "Yellow Fox", to review or as a review author. This means that your teacher has configured the activity to take place anonymously.


Grading functionality is disabled within feedback mode for teachers. To grade, exit feedback mode and all grading functionality will be available once again.

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