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Permission overview

Learn more about the various available permissions and how to configure them or add a new custom role.

eJournal works with a wide range of permissions that are grouped into roles. Some well known roles are Student and Teacher, where for example the Student role has the permission to have a journal, and a Teacher role has the permission to grade. Each user holds a single role within a course or programme, but a user's role may vary between different courses or programmes.

Note that some special types of permissions exists, such as the ability to create a programme. These permissions can only be granted by adminstrators, for an overview see administrator permissions.


Roles can be configured in the permission manager of the respective course or programme, by users with the can edit roles permission.

By default each course and programme has the roles Teacher, ContentDeveloper, TA, and Student, each with a set of sensible default permissions.

How are roles granted when visiting eJournal from a LMS?

When you navigate to eJournal from your LMS (e.g. Canvas or Brightspace), a lookup is performed of all availabe roles, and the role with the most privileges will be granted.

If a user's role is not recognized they are given the role of student.


Students own a portfolio. Students can structure portfolio's in the form of journals, ask for feedback or place comments.


Teaching Assistants (TA)s are the first tier of supervisory staff, and are somewhat limited in what they can do. By default TAs can grade, view analytics, and manage individual journals. However, TAs cannot create or make changes to (existing) assignments or course/programme structures.


Content developers can scaffold programe/course and assignment structures and see journals or analytics. However, content developers cannot grade or provide feedback.


Teachers are the key users of a course or programme. Teachers can make structural changes to a programme/course and assignment and have access to all grade and feedback tooling.


All of these permissions can be assigned to specific roles within the permission manager.

Course permissions

Can edit course details

Users with this permission can change high level course information such as the name, abbreviation, start, and end date of the course. As well as link the course to any programme the user is part of.

Can delete course

Users with this permission can delete a course.

Can edit course roles

Users with this permission can make changes to existing course roles or add new ones.

Can view course users

Users with this permission can view all the course users and their role.

Can add course users

Users with this permission can add users to a course.

Can delete course users

Users with this permission can remove users from a course.

Can add course user group

Users with this permission can create new groups to a course.

Can delete course user group

Users with this permission can remove groups from a course.

Can edit course user group

Users with this permission can make changes to course groups, such as its name and its member composition.

Can add assignment

Users with this permission can create a new assignment within a course.

Can delete assignment

Users with this permission can remove an assignment from a course, or delete the assignment if no other course is using that assignment.


Assignment deletion is final, any work part of the assignment is also deleted.

Can edit assignment

Users with this permission can make changes to an assignment and its structure. This governs both the ability to change assignment information such as its name and due date, as well as the ability to change structures within the assignment such as activities, templates and rubrics.

Can grade

Users with this permission can grade journals and entries within the course.

Can publish grades

Users with this permission can publish grades.

Can view all journals

Users with this permission can view all journals within a course.

Can view journals of own groups

Users with this permission can view all journals of users that are part of their own groups.


Incompatible with the permission can view all journals.

Can view unpublished assignment

Users with this permission can view unpublished assignments.

Can view grade history

Users with this permission can view the grade history of an entry or the overall assessment of a journal.

Can manage journals

Users with this permission can interact with journal related settings.

For group assignments this this would be settings such as the number of group journals, the number of members per group journal, but also settings such as the name, image, and member composition of a specific group journal.
Besides group assignment related settings, this permission also governs whether the user can submit or cancel a journal submission for assessment.


This setting is intended for journal supervision, and is not available to journal owners (can have journal). If you would like to grant these rights to students, see the respective assignment group and submission settings.

Can have journal

Users with this permission can have a journal within an assignment.


This permission is incompatible with permissions such as can grade, as teaching staff is not allowed to have a journal in the same assignment.

Can comment

Users with this permission can comment on individual journal entries.

Can edit staff comment

Users with this permission can edit the comments of fellow staff. For example, a course coordinator might want to be able to tweak comments placed by their teaching assistants.

Can post teacher entries

Users with this permission can add entries to journals as a teacher.

Can manage journal import requests

Users with this permission can manage the requests from students to import content into their journal from another assignment.

Administrator permissions

These permissions cannot be configured in the course manager. These permissions can only be acquired based on your LMS credentials, or given to you by an instance administrator.

Can edit institute details

This is a special type of permission generally only available to administrators of your institution. Users with this permission have access to the administrator panel, which allows for the configuration of settings such as the name of the institute and whether self sign-up is enabled.

Can add course

Users with this permission have the ability to create a new course.

Can add programme

Users with this permission have the ability to create a new programme.