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Adding an overall assessment

Learn more about adding an overall assessment.

Would you like to assess a specific journal entry instead? Follow this guide.

If you would like to assess a journal as a whole you can make use of an overall assessment.

Within a student's journal you can click the Assessment tab in the to give an overall assessment.

An overall assessment consists of two parts, a set of criteria (possibly including a rubric), and a rich text feedback section.



An overall assessment is started as a draft and can be accessed from anywhere within a journal. This allows you to navigate through the journal's contents and construct your assessment as you progress.

Working with a rubric

The overall assessment automatically includes any individual entry grades or bonus points for the journal.


If you would like to add additional criteria to the assessment you can make use of a rubric. To do so select a rubric from the dropdown.


See what adding a rubric to the overall assessment looks like


Setting a manual grade

By default, the final grade for a journal is automatically computed from the criteria listed in the assessment. It is possible to manually override this grade by entering a new value in the input field at the bottom of the assessment window.



Once you manually override an overall assessment grade, new entry grades or bonus point updates will not trigger an automatic update of the final grade anymore.

Finalizing an assessment

To finalize an assessment, two actions are available:

  • Save Assessment: saves the assessment without publishing it. This fits workflows where the assessments are all published in one go or where different assessors each first submit their own version.
  • Save & Publish Assessment: saves the assessment and directly publishes it.

Both actions add a checkpoint to the assessment history.

See what switching the assessment actions looks like


Assessment History

The History button at the top of the assessment menu shows all previous overall assessments given to a journal, including pending drafts. This history is not visible to students.


Each row contains information such as who submitted an assessment or whether it was published. The buttons on the right hand side of each row allow you to perform the following actions:

  • view the content of the assessment;
  • start a new assessment draft based on the content of this assessment.

Working with multiple assessors

Whilst the overall assessment is designed to be shared across all teachers on the same team, different assessors can each submit an individual assessment.

Have each assessor save their assessment without publishing, this will create a snapshot in the assessment history. You can then visit the assessment of each individual assessor to consolidate all input into a final overall assessment.