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Group assignments

Learn how to configure a group assignment and how to create and manage group journals.

Group assignments are ideal if you would like multiple students to jointly share the ownership of the same journal.

Creating a group assignment

You can access the group assignment settings in the assignment editor under the Details section in the Settings menu, or during the assignment creation wizard.


Changing the assignment type (e.g. from group to individual) will no longer be unavailable if the assignment already contains one or more individual journals.

Group assignment settings off

Enabling the Group assignment setting unlocks various other related settings.


Group assignment settings

Group assignment

Have multiple students contribute to a shared journal. Selecting this option requires you to create journals on the assignment page for students to join.

Allow locking for journal members

Once the members of a journal are locked, it cannot be joined by other students. Teachers can still manually add students to a journal.

Allow custom journal name

Allow members of a journal to override its given name.

Allow custom display picture

Allow members of a journal to override its display picture.

Reset grade when leaving journal

Reset the grade of a student to 0 if they leave (or are removed from) a journal.

When creating a group assignment for the first time, the next step is to create one or more group journals.

Creating one or more group journals

You can access the journal creation menu on the journal overview page via the Create New Journals button. This button is also always accessible via the Actions menu.

Group assignment create new journals button highlighted

Clicking on the Create New Journals button opens up the journal creation menu.

Create new journals menu

  • Name: Determines the display name of the journal. It is possible to let students set this name themselves later on via the allow custom journal name setting.
  • Member limit: Determines how many students can be part of the same journal.
  • Multiple Journals/Single Journal: Switching between these settings allows you to either create a single journal or provide an input for how many journals should be created at the same time.

When you are done, click the Create button to create one or more journals.

Students can join group journals themselves

After you have created one or more journals, students who are not yet part of a journal are presented with a join a journal view. Here they can see the existing journals, their members, and join a journal based on their preferences.

Managing group journals

You can manage existing group journals via the journal overview page or in more detail on the journal page.

Via the journal overview page

By default the journal overview page displays all group journals with minimal additional context. You can expand a group journal by click on the icon at the bottom of each group journal.

Expand group journal menu on the journal overview page

Clicking 'view members' allows you to see (and manage) the members of each journal.

Journal overview group journal expanded

  • Select Users: Add one or more users to the group journal.
  • : Lock or unlock the journal, allowing students to leave or join that journal at will.
  • : Remove that specific user from the group journal.

Via a journal's details menu

After navigating to a specific journal you have access to the same functionality as outlined above via the journal's Details menu, but you can access additional settings via the Edit Journal button.

Group journal details menu edit journal button hovered

Clicking the Edit Journal button opens the Edit Journal menu.

Group journal edit journal menu

This menu allows you to edit the remaining group journal settings such as the name on a per journal basis. Do not forget to click Save to finalize your changes.


The functionality to delete a journal is only available when that journal has no members.


Part of this functionality outlined above is also available to the students part of the group journal. What functionality is available depends on the settings that you configured.