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Journal overview

Learn more about how the journal overview can help your workflow.

The journal overview allows you to inspect all the assignment's journals, allowing to quickly glance at the status and to-dos for each journal, as well as search for or order specific journals and adjust your workflow.

The journal overview is located in the center of the assignment page.

Journal overview display

The journal overview consists of two parts: a journal selection menu and a list display of all journals.

Journal selection menu

The journal selection menu allows you to search, filter, and order the set of journals you are currently working on.

  • Search: allows you to search for journals by author name and username, as well as by journal name.
  • Sort By: allows you to sort the journal selection on author name/username, but also on journal score or open
  • Filter By Group: filter by one or more groups. to-dos, in Ascending/Descending order.
  • Summative Score/Score Per Category: this toggles the grade display between a summative score and an average score per category. This toggle is only available for assignments with categories.
  • All Journals/Submitted For Assessment: this toggle switches between all journals and only those that are submitted for assessment. This toggle is only be visible for assignments that require journals to be submitted.

Automatic group filter

By default, all groups that you as a teacher are also a member of will be preselected as a group filter.

Journal selection impact

Most assignment actions also only apply for the selected (filtered) journals:

Journal display

The journal display section provides basic information such as information about the author(s) as well as a simple overview of the progress and any open to-dos for that journal.

Clicking on a journal will open the journal view.

Single journal display

In this example we see the individual journal of Lars van Hijfte, whose usernames is 11291680, and has progressed about half way through his journal.

We also see multiple coloured to-do badges.


A journal's avatar can display one or more to-do badges, where each colour corresponds to a specific to-do type.

  • number of entries which need marking;
  • number of grades that are unpublished;
  • number of journal import requests;
  • number of overall assessments that need to be published.

It is also possible to sort the journals based on each of these to-dos via the journal selection menu.