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Creating an assignment

Learn how to create an eJournal assignment from within your LMS or standalone.

If eJournal is integrated in your Canvas environment as external tool, you can create an eJournal assignment right from your existing Canvas course.

Create a new assignment in Canvas

If you have used eJournal before, launching eJournal from a newly created Canvas assignment offers two additional options. You can copy an existing assignment to speed up preparing the next iteration of your course, or connect to an existing assignment to let students work on the same assignment throughout multiple subsequent courses.

Import an existing assignnment to a new Canvas assignment

Connect a new Canvas assignment to an existing eJournal assignment

If you are using eJournal without an LMS, you can create a new assignment via your course environment on eJournal.

Create a new standalone assignment

If you have used eJournal before, and want to prepare the next iteration of your course, you can also copy existing assignments.

Import an existing standalone assignnment