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Getting started as a teacher

Are you new to eJournal? This guide helps you set up and configure your first eJournal assignment and teaches you about the most important features our tool offers. Exciting things ahead!

Why eJournal?

eJournal is designed for progressive assignments, enabling you to give intermediate feedback on activities in students' journals. This means that students get feedback the moment it matters, focused on their development over time. Furthermore, you can gain an easy overview of what students have done so far, and which subtasks have yet to be completed.

Need some help?

You can contact us with any questions you may have. We are happy to help you on your way and discuss how eJournal can adapt to your course's use case!

Step 1: Create your first eJournal assignment

First things first, let's create your first eJournal assignment. You can create a new eJournal assignment directly from within your LMS, so no additional accounts are needed. After your assignment has been created, we can take a look at how to configure it to your specific use case.

Create a new assignment

Assignment created

Step 2: Create entry templates

Students can add new content to their journal through an entry. You as a teacher can help students structure their entries with custom templates that define what content is expected.

Entry template illustration

Try designing some templates for your newly created assignment!

Create entry templates

Entry templates created

Step 3: Add intermediate activities

Besides entries that students add on their own initiative, the timeline in a journal may also contain intermediate deadlines or goals defined by you as a teacher. These allow you to scaffold progress and ensure that students know what steps are coming up.

Timeline illustration

By default, students will receive email reminders about all upcoming deadlines that they have yet to complete. This makes it easy to keep your class on track.

Add intermediate activities

Deadlines added

Step 4: Set up an assessment model

The assessment model allows you to define how student journals will be assessed. In the assessment model you can combine rubrics with aggregated assessments of individual journal entries.

Students can view the assessment model at any time to check their progress and see how their journal will be evaluated.

Set up an assessment model

Assessment model added

Step 5: Supervise and give feedback to your students

At any time during the assignment, navigating to a student's journal allows you to browse the entries they have submitted up to that point. You can give feedback on any individual entry and spark the dialogue with students, to help them reflect on progress and answer questions.

Feedback dialoge illustration

Supervise and give feedback to your students

Ready to go!

Refer students getting started with eJournal to this guide

Bonus: Advanced topics

If you have completed the steps above, check out some of eJournal's more advanced features below!

Run a group assignment

Create categories for competences or learning goals

Add journal entries as a teacher